Donate the C.A.C.H.E. archives

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Name Donate the C.A.C.H.E. archives
Given by Hugo Nadeau 3
Reward -
At Metgermette
To visit

In Metgermette, Hugo Nadeau 3 asks the player to deposit the C.A.C.H.E. archives at the Archives of Humanity in Kofun (formerly Chibougameau). This quest reads:

Donate the C.A.C.H.E. archives to the Archives of Humanity
They would supposedly be in Chibougamau


All that remains of the C.A.C.H.E. (Hugo's Hidden Art Center for Eternity) founded by Hugo Nadeau 3 is housed on 3 copies of external hard drives. Accomplishing this quest comes to the aid of a character who remains the only one who knows of the existence of such archives.


Hugo Nadeau artistic practice and his project Hugo Nadeau 2.